Your Program, Our Platform

We at JackHabbit know what it takes to rapidly bring an effective health and well-being solution to market — one that people will use. Our customizable platform provides a full portfolio of well-being services and third-party integration capabilities. With decades of experience, our team is here to help yours thrive.

Get started today

Our solution to a common problem

Empty battery

The problem

The usual cost and time estimated to build an in-house solution can be prohibitive for organizations, and can result in a product that doesn't meet their team's needs.

Full battery

Our solution

Jackhabbit is a digital solution that brings all your tools together in one place. We support your legacy system, integrate with it, or provide a new and comprehensive platform that meets your needs.

What JackHabbit offers

We merge technology, research, and content to solve the most elusive challenge within digital health and well-being tools, engagement.


Our platforms are fully scalable and configurable to your needs. Our team helps you build, deliver, and manage the program you want.


We deliver a stepped care model with a single sign-on, providing the right solution, at the right time, at the right intensity.

One location

All your data is available in one spot to create meaningful reports and conversations.

Real Behaviour Science

JackHabbit has baked-in, unique, scientifically proven health behavioural strategies. These strategies support users in improving the health behaviours they prioritize, and in creating durable habits.

The results speak for themselves

See the positive changes JackHabbit delivers!

  • 95% were happy their insurer offered JackHabbit
  • 94% felt their mental health needs were supported
  • 87% found what they needed
  • 86% felt their plan was designed for their unique needs
  • 23% Saw a decrease in the use of counselling services
  • 4.1/5 Users rated the platform's innovation

How it works

  1. Hand holding phone with the Q-Life sign in page on the screen.
    1. Choose your unique program

    We work with you to identify and implement the best program model and integrations based on your team's needs.

  2. Three cafe employee chatting at a table.
    2. We build your platform

    We work with you to build to your requirements, quickly and at a great rate.

  3. Hands on top of each other in a group cheer.
    3. Launch

    We provide you with our strategic guide to get your team engaged. From there, JackHabbit does its thing to keep your team flourishing!

Console powered by JackHabbit

Here's an example of JackHabbit in action. We built Console to meet the urgent needs of post-secondary students. Console was adopted by universities across Canada, supporting over 50,000 active students.

See how JackHabbit can elevate what you offer to your clients and your team

Get in touch

We're evidence-based!

What separates a good platform from a great one? It's in the science.

JackHabbit is founded on peer-reviewed scientific research. We've partnered with award-winning research teams at Dalhousie University and Acadia University to build an all-in-one toolbox for personalized, proactive tools that work.

Explore our published, peer-reviewed studies below, and stay tuned for more! We're continuously researching and iterating to deliver what our users need when and how they need it.

Feedback from our users

It's as easy as it sounds. We will have you up and running quickly with a solution that answers your clients' needs.

Get started today!